What I made for Christmas giveaways


IMG_7712So I had been sick, really sick for past so many days. I do not even remember since when. I finished two rounds of antibiotics but got sick again two days later. Then someone in the family told me to get some anti-allergy, and I found relief in my kids Benadryl syrup. No I still did not get to sleep, but it definitely helped. By the way I was wondering, why are OTC anti-allergy medicines are so expensive? 

On another note I missed a birthday and so many days of productivity. 

And then last Tuesday I realized schools are closing for holidays and I haven’t got any thing for teachers for Christmas. I like to create gifts and presents myself. It gives those things a personal touch I feel. 

But there was neither time, nor energy or brain to shop or plan. So I Googled and found this amazing thing- White chocolate peppermint pretzels.

Took only three ingredients, about 3 hours and some mason jars that I had bought some time back. And yes a lot of fight and struggle with my macho number 3 as he was constantly trying either to pull down the chocolate bowl or break the pretzels.

Just sharing the recipe-Its a great activity to do with children as well (Hint hint winter holidays)


[yumprint-recipe id=’2′] IMG_7741

I had a couple while I was still making, it tasted that good:)



A little piece of twine, a handmade chalkboard greeting card and a piece of gold lace-Voila!



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