How You Would Regret The Use Of Technology

I also came across the video doing rounds on social media where a little girl is seen frustrated and upset and crying while her mother tries to teach her I read the comments across different channels and saw people’s reaction. Some made me laugh, others made me bang my head, some made me want to […]

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Entitlement continues….

While at work today, I was busy putting my things away, when something or say someone, caught my attention. A young girl, probably in her tween, sweaty and tired walked in with a woman who she was calling her mom. The woman had a high pitched voice and I could hear her continuously telling her […]

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In the land of Gibberish

God created angels…. This universe, the galaxy, the sun, the planets, the moons, stars… He then moved on to creating this world, the mountains, the oceans , the rivers, the animals, the birds…. All the objects, all the creations worshipped and praised God but still something was missing…. And then Man was created…. He was […]

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I’ve been trying to stay focused, but certain things are determined at the time of our birth, in our genes and being bound is certainly not in mine. Have always been a rebel by nature; curiosity killing the heck out of me, so while certain things remain my forte(Or so I like to think) I […]

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