How You Would Regret The Use Of Technology

I also came across the video doing rounds on social media where a little girl is seen frustrated and upset and crying while her mother tries to teach her I read the comments across different channels and saw people’s reaction. Some made me laugh, others made me bang my head, some made me want to […]

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More Digital, Less Human

I just watched Denial and I must say what a brilliant watch. Some movies just bring out true emotions from deep within, and this is one such piece.  I have fond memories of my Naani (maternal grandmother) cooking Mutton qorma (mutton curry cooked in traditional spices), matar pulaao (rice with peas), a certain brown coloured […]

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Because tea is love

Ammi(mother) used to say “The color of the perfect tea is golden; just like the color of the skin of almond. Any thing else is not tea!” I can’t say how many other teachings of her I follow, but this one, I kept in the first shelf of my cabinet of her memories. And perhaps its more […]

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Down the memory lane….

Happy Home High School For past couple of days, for some reason I keep thinking about my school-and my school mates. Perhaps the reason is my memories of Ammi, of which the best are always of childhood and childhood is more about school than anything else. Till this day I am still at my peak […]

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