Most misunderstood hygiene habit

You would often see people from my background, i.e. Pakistanis or lets say South Asians, roaming around in malls, grocery stores, hospitals, just about everywhere, with empty, disposable, water bottles in their bags or in their hand.

One would wonder why?

Well, because we use water to clean up after we use the washroom for number 1 or number 2.

When home, one may use a lota

A hygiene shower

Image from Google

Or a seated bidet

Image from Google

I do not know the origins, I do not know the background, but I know this.

It is not about religion or faith.

A Christian, Hindu or Parsi from Pakistan would do the same as would a Muslim.

There is no other way you’d want to do it, if you’ve tried washing your rear with water.

There is nothing comparable!

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