And to Him shall we return

He was young, he was amazing, he was loving, he was caring….

I never met him but what I know from his Facebook updates and from his wife, who happened to be my second cousin, he was an amazing father, a loving husband and a caring son. I’ve known this girl as a sweet and shy little girl from our childhood, with sparkling grey eyes. Well I could not then decide and still can’t figure out if her eyes are grey or blue. But yes I could tell she was happy with him because her eyes would tell me so.

And then I reconnected with her, years later, thanks to Social Media. She is a learned one and is a lecturer at a local institution back home. She would always remember my birthday and wish me luck on all the happy moments.

And just today I found out that this handsome young guy, who she was wife to, is no more. He lost his life in a road accident last night. I was shocked, I was in tears. I thought of the two cute children, this beautiful young girl and I ask the Almighty “Why?”

I had no answer. I couldn’t help but wake my sister up in the middle of the night and share with her. Her response was similar to mine. We both cried, we both felt sad and bad and what not.

This is life; such is life…

PS: Do remember this family in your prayers. May Allah grant him highest place in paradise. May Allah give this bereaved family the strength and courage to take them through this difficult time-Aameen

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