Food review-Gladiator Burgers Oakville

Gladiatorburger was the first place where I tried a Halal burger in Canada and instantly fell in love. The Oakville location simply adds to the experience with its great hospitality, customer service and a wide range of burgers and sandwiches. Everything can be customized to offer an experience that hits all the right spots The […]

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Most misunderstood hygiene habit

You would often see people from my background, i.e. Pakistanis or lets say South Asians, roaming around in malls, grocery stores, hospitals, just about everywhere, with empty, disposable, water bottles in their bags or in their hand. One would wonder why? Well, because we use water to clean up after we use the washroom for […]

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More Digital, Less Human

I just watched Denial and I must say what a brilliant watch. Some movies just bring out true emotions from deep within, and this is one such piece.  I have fond memories of my Naani (maternal grandmother) cooking Mutton qorma (mutton curry cooked in traditional spices), matar pulaao (rice with peas), a certain brown coloured […]

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How to stay ‘sober’ yet happy, without shopping

Let me start by a confession: I LOVE SHOPPING….. AND I HAVEN’T SHOPPED IN TWO YEARS!!!! I love shoes, jewellery, dresses, lipsticks, lamps, glasses, dessert platters, plants. I am an impulsive shopper, which means I shop ‘just because’, not out of need. If I walk inside a store and I see something yellow, I would […]

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What’s Your Language?

I have this knack for languages. As a kid, I was the most brilliant student and the blue-eyed pupil for my language teachers. My Urdu was as good as my English. As a teenager, I always wanted to learn German, Chinese, and Arabic. When I had kids, I tried teaching them Urdu. I put them […]

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10 pins that make STALKING so funny

With the advent of “Social Media” comes the risks attached to it. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, Instagram…The list goes on…. And then everyday we see posts warning us that our posts can be misused, we can be blackmailed, manipulated and yet there is this urge of posting the pic of our Saturday night dinner, and […]

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Pakistan-A loved dilemma

It feels like its been ages since I’m living in Canada. I love and admire this country that has embraced me with open arms and warmth. Yet I hear the word Pakistan and my heartbeat fastens and the adrenaline gushes in my veins. After all its Pakistan we’re talking about.  The resilient and most incredible […]

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O Canada

Last night as I prepared these red velvet cupcakes, the girls asked if they could watch O’Canada on YouTube. I put it on, and guess what? I got the same goosebumps; just like the ones that I always get when the national anthem of Pakistan is played. Does that mean I am Canadian now? Does that […]

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Oh Karachi!

They say a picture speaks a thousand words.. But this one right here left me speechless….. I live in Canada. And the moment I say “Canada”, snow and cold is the first word that comes to mind. We have extreme temperatures here about 9 months a year and even in those three months that we […]

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Because tea is love

Ammi(mother) used to say “The color of the perfect tea is golden; just like the color of the skin of almond. Any thing else is not tea!” I can’t say how many other teachings of her I follow, but this one, I kept in the first shelf of my cabinet of her memories. And perhaps its more […]

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Do not fear Allah(SWT)

Once again, the same old rants of mine…. First its about the weather, and trust me when I say it…. This morning it felt like part of some post-apocalyptic, dark cold corner of the planet, typical Hollywood movie style, bitter cold, blowing snow, less people, more clothes(No rags though) Today is the coldest day of […]

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اے نئے سال

A beautiful piece by famous poet Faiz Ahmed Faiz on New Year. Did not want to spoil the magic of Urdu language, hence posting as it is (Without translation) Happy new year 2015 and happy reading! اے نئے سال بتا تجھ میں نیا پن کیا ہے ھر طرف خلق نے کیوں شور مچا رکھا ہے روشنی […]

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Once Again

Its around this time, every year, when I get into this strange kind of mood- Highly sensitive and equally numb…. Just words and visuals echoing in my ears and flashing in my eyes…. Been three years now, and it is as if my biological clock is programmed to work that way…. I may not remember […]

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In the land of Gibberish

God created angels…. This universe, the galaxy, the sun, the planets, the moons, stars… He then moved on to creating this world, the mountains, the oceans , the rivers, the animals, the birds…. All the objects, all the creations worshipped and praised God but still something was missing…. And then Man was created…. He was […]

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You are sleeping….

And when I tell’em I am a hypnotherapist, the first question that pops up is “Can you hypnotize me?” Well yes I can, but why?? I come across people every day, and regardless of their gender, faith, education and background, all equally fascinated by the mere fact that I hypnotize people for a living. And […]

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Raunaq of Iftaar-Chaat masala

There is Ramadan, there is iftar and then there is chat masala- a spicy, tangy concoction of household spices that is used mainly for garnishing and adding in more flavor or spice. A staple of the iftar feast, no traditional savory is complete without this pinch of color and flavor, be it chana chat (traditional […]

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